Some updates from the last Competition
The last weekend of August we went to the last competition for this year in Dublin at Fingal dog club. We really enjoyed the three days...
Running Contacts update.
We are still working to perfect the Running Contacts :). At the moment the three of them have 95% success rate hitting the contacts...
Darwin Graduation video for Advanced Tricks.
Well, after nearly two years trying to teach and perfect the tricks.. here it is.. Darwin Graduation Video

A bit of excitemet on Sunday!
I knew he was crazy but no to what extend till yesterday... Harpo jumped nearly 3.5m from the top window and landed in the concrete in...

Finishing and starting things...
I have always hated to have things half finished.. Even before starting I am already find myself thinking on the moment It will be...
Vesta's last Video 5cm weaves
Last video from Vesta with weaves at 5cm.. Loads of work to do yet...and with the contacts too...